
Anti–Bird Safety Grilles for High Rises

A common problem faced by individuals living in high rises remains to be the menace and filth caused by birds like pigeons, crows, etc. While listening to them sing can sometimes be peaceful, having them stay in your quarters can bring frustration than joy. Whether they’re simply flying by or getting a nap on the grill in your balcony, they most certainly will make sure to leave behind a prize for the home owners. Yes, that’s what we are talking about!

Not only is the excrement an issue but they also damage young trees that you have so carefully planted in your balcony. Did you know that surrounding yourselves with pigeon feathers, excrement and other remnants can actually be harmful for your health? Experts suggest that pigeons are one of the top reasons in the transmission of deadly pathogens like E. coli, St. Louis Encephalitis, Salmonellosis, etc.

Thankfully, MSpace’s Invisible Grills are made such that you get the pleasure of keeping unwanted guests out of your home. They will rid you the headache of constantly shooing away these birds, installing ugly scarecrows or using harmful bird repellents near your window or balcony grilles. Invisible window grills completely diminish any area for birds to sit and hang out with their group of friends. MSpace’s nylon coated invisible grills for balconies ensure that pigeons keep at least 10 meters of distance from your building.

MSpace’s invisible grills act as safety grills in protecting you from the frustration caused by these hunger mongers. If you think that you have had enough of the feathered visitors straying on your balconies and windows, it is probably time to shift to MSpace’s safety Invisible Grills to abandon them for good. If you are living in cities like Hyderabad or Bangalore, you might want to think twice about installing invisible grills as we have dense populations of these pesky creatures.

At an affordable price, you can have the best of both worlds – an unblocked view allowing fresh natural air flowing into your house with absolutely zero pigeon or bird poop dirtying your window grill. Best of all, you get 400 kilo tensile strength and unmatchable quality with MSpace Invisible Grills. With added layers of protection, they act as safety grills for your balcony. You can install them fixated or as sliding window grills allowing for versatile installations.

In the end, pigeons and other birds are creatures that simply don’t know any better. Using Invisible Grills is a solution that keeps them away without causing any harm to you or the birds. It’s a win-win situation for the both of us.

For further information, you can write to or call at +91 9177737865.

Do You Know?

We are the Pioneers of Invisible Grills in India!

We make balconies Safe and Secure. Our question is, will it be yours?

About Mspace

MSPACE, has been established in India on January 2018 and since then we have finished 2000+ projects all over India. MSpace deals with invisible grilles, wall cushion and blind engine and many other such luxurious interior products. Our company is true to its name modern space which is well recognized nationally as an imported and integrated solution provider, for our products.

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