what material is an invisible grill

What Material Is an Invisible Grill? Although invisible grills are a relatively recent trend in the market, they have been embraced by many. While this is likely to be excellent news for businesses, it may be a bittersweet experience for customers. The majority of this is due to the widespread availability of invisible grills. On […]
does invisible grill rust

Does Invisible Grill Rust? The most expensive maintenance costs you may have to pay each year are maybe the worst aspect of living in a high-rise property. When it comes to windows and balconies, you need strong grilling systems that can withstand Mother Nature’s elements. On a high-rise building, your windows and balconies are subjected […]
The Ultimate Guide to Safety In Your High Rise Apartment

The Ultimate Guide to Safety In Your High Rise Apartment High-rise buildings are generally built to the highest safety standards and offer multiple modes of safety and protection to the inhabitants. Unlike ‘low-rise’ buildings, high-rises are also earthquake proof, fire retardant and safe from floods. With the number of high-rise buildings increasing by the day, […]
the perfect balcony solution with invisible grills in 2022

the perfect balcony solution with invisible grills in 2022 Purchasing or building a house in 2022 is almost synonymous with having invisible grills installed in your home. Be it on your windows, balconies or as a part of your interior décor, the use of an invisible grille is widely prevalent amongst owners, builders and interior […]
invisible grills installation in iit madras

Invisible Grills Installation in IIT Madras It gives us immense pride to claim recognition for being one of the top companies in India in the field of construction and development. In the recent past, MSpace has been conferred with several awards and top banners from both International and National conglomerates. Being a one of a […]
Why Builders Must Always Choose Invisible Grills

Why Builders Must Always Choose Invisible Grills ‘Invisible Grills’, as the name suggests are window grills that are in principle inconspicuous window grills that offer the protection and safety of traditional grills but with the exception of an enhanced view. To begin with, let’s understand the form and function of invisible grills. The sole idea […]
mspace invisible grills rust free for life

MSpace Invisible Grills: Rust Free for Life Perhaps the worst part about being in a high-rise building is the expensive maintenance charges you may need to shell out every year. When it comes to windows and balconies, you need robust grilling systems that can stand the test of Mother Nature. In a typical installation, your […]
anti bird safety grilles for high rises

Anti–Bird Safety Grilles for High Rises A common problem faced by individuals living in high rises remains to be the menace and filth caused by birds like pigeons, crows, etc. While listening to them sing can sometimes be peaceful, having them stay in your quarters can bring frustration than joy. Whether they’re simply flying by […]
Which Window Grill is the Best

Which Window Grill is the Best? The idea behind a window grill is to provide security against unwanted intruders and also safeguard residents from accidentally falling over high-rise areas. Additionally, window grills also add a design element to most homes and since they are placed externally, they play a major role in the beautification of […]
wall cushions for hotel lobby

5 Design Ideas Using Wall Cushions for Hotel Lobby A communal space of harmony in the midst of your hospitality business might be an unspoken secret behind the success of your investment. No matter what the purpose, your guest’s satisfaction depends on the warmth and comfort that you offer under your roof. Quite often, you […]