Is Invisible grill safe

Is Invisible grill safe Invisible grills are popular for all the right reasons. More so than any other product in the construction market, Invisible Grills are being used by almost every builder in the country. Generally, when one usually inquires or reads about invisible grills, common questions like – Are invisible grills actually safe? Are […]
invisible grills for high rise buildings

Why are Invisible Grills the Best for High Rise Buildings? Location: Jaybheri Park, Hyderabad The look of the house or building and the safety are two essential parameters that ensure a comfortable stay. We all know that residents invest millions of rupees living in a high-rise building only to enjoy the view right outside their […]
balcony safe for kids senior citizens

5 Ways to Keep Your High-Rise Balcony Safe for Kids/Senior Citizens In today’s lifestyle, our children and elders often have to spend a lot of time alone. When it comes to children, they are inherently curious. At times, it puts them in trouble for all the wrong reasons. In high-rise buildings, it might even turn […]
presence of mspace

Presence of MSpace Le Home Concepts is a well-established company specialising in Invisible Grilles, supply of Aluminium Windows, Automatic Gates, Carpet Grass and other luxury home construction items in Singapore. Over the last decade, Le Home Concepts has undertaken the most number of Government and Private Sector projects than any other company in Singapore. The […]
wall cushions for schools

Wall Cushions for Schools Let’s admit it. Schools are notorious places. Students running from one corner to the other, lunch breaks, chalk fights, chit chats, punishments are all nostalgic memories of our childhood. There is just something about school days that excited each one of us. No matter what we say or think, one thing […]
how to install invisible grilles

How to install INVISIBLE GRILLE Invisible grills have been thriving in the construction market for several years. It has not only become a common but a hot-selling commodity amongst builders of all buildings – residential and commercial. While aesthetic appeal, versatile application, unblocked view, safety and burglar protection are a few reasons for the popularity […]
Invisible Grille a Green Product

INVISIBLE GRILLE – A GREEN PRODUCT As the mindset of the customers, corporations, leaders the world is transforming everyday, the demand for sustainable construction practices is on the rise. With scientific agencies warning of emissions and pollution in the upcoming years, it is only pertinent that the need for ‘green’ methods is mandatory. A lot […]
Uses Of Invisible Grills

Uses of Invisible Grills One of the greatest marvels of modern construction, invisible grills, win hearts of people, all ages and genders alike. They add pristine beauty to your buildings while at the same time being inherently utilitarian. For the benefits invisible grills have to offer, they continue to storm the construction markets. They are […]
What Are Some Ideas For Window Grills

what are some ideas for window grills Your front door does not have to be the best-looking part of your house. We resort to all sorts of things from extra-polishing wooden doors, adding plants, installing customized grills and what not, to make it the best-looking part of the house. But all of it goes in […]
wall cushions for your home theatre

Wall cushions for your home theatre In the world of technology, we want to get the best of our ultra-high-definition 4k video projector, the 1000-watt speaker system and that comfy recliner chair. While all seems merry, when sound reflects off your walls, your room would sound more like a busy peak time street than a […]